
“Look, here is water. What can stand in the way of my being baptized?” Acts 8:36 (NIV)

     After Philip told him the good news about Jesus, the Ethiopian official posed this question. The answer, of course, was “nothing;” nothing was more important at that moment. So, Philip baptized him right away and he went on his way rejoicing.

     Juanito Magbanua, travels around Panay Island, encouraging the churches and sharing the good news of Jesus. Often, the people respond to the message, and they commit their life to Christ. There were more than fifty conversions where Juanito preached in 2024. Usually, they are baptized immediately or within a few days. 

     When they are near the shore, the Pacific Ocean provides ample water for a baptism. Other times, a nearby river, lake, or swimming pool fulfills the need.


     Juanito has a portable baptistry that he takes with him when there is a need and he can find a way to haul it.

     And sometimes, finding enough water is more of a challenge. One time, the only source of water was a puddle of water from a rainstorm the night before. Juanito reported, “I baptized them in a very small amount of water and very shallow, but I tried my best to bury them well for the newness of life.”

     Juanito held a bible study one Saturday afternoon and a young man accepted the Lord and wanted to be baptized. Unfortunately, the river where they normally have baptisms in that place was dry due to a drought, so they improvised and baptized him in a drum filled with water.

     Whatever the circumstances, there is always a way to carry out the mission of CALM Philippines and fulfill the great commission.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Matthew 28:19 (NIV)

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