Calm Philippines USA, Inc. Caring And Loving Mission Tue, 17 Dec 2024 21:45:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Calm Philippines USA, Inc. 32 32 Baptisms Tue, 17 Dec 2024 21:18:06 +0000

“Look, here is water. What can stand in the way of my being baptized?” Acts 8:36 (NIV)

     After Philip told him the good news about Jesus, the Ethiopian official posed this question. The answer, of course, was “nothing;” nothing was more important at that moment. So, Philip baptized him right away and he went on his way rejoicing.

     Juanito Magbanua, travels around Panay Island, encouraging the churches and sharing the good news of Jesus. Often, the people respond to the message, and they commit their life to Christ. There were more than fifty conversions where Juanito preached in 2024. Usually, they are baptized immediately or within a few days. 

     When they are near the shore, the Pacific Ocean provides ample water for a baptism. Other times, a nearby river, lake, or swimming pool fulfills the need.


     Juanito has a portable baptistry that he takes with him when there is a need and he can find a way to haul it.

     And sometimes, finding enough water is more of a challenge. One time, the only source of water was a puddle of water from a rainstorm the night before. Juanito reported, “I baptized them in a very small amount of water and very shallow, but I tried my best to bury them well for the newness of life.”

     Juanito held a bible study one Saturday afternoon and a young man accepted the Lord and wanted to be baptized. Unfortunately, the river where they normally have baptisms in that place was dry due to a drought, so they improvised and baptized him in a drum filled with water.

     Whatever the circumstances, there is always a way to carry out the mission of CALM Philippines and fulfill the great commission.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Matthew 28:19 (NIV)

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Back-to-School Supplies Given in VBS Offering Sun, 21 Jul 2024 21:59:16 +0000

CALM Philippines was the mission for the Hempfield Church of Christ Vacation Bible School. The offering for the week was used to buy school supplies. This video shows the gifts being given to the elementary school children in the Philippines.

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Medical Missions Continue in 2024! Fri, 01 Mar 2024 19:24:03 +0000

CALM has sponsored two medical missions so far this year with great success. IDES (International Disaster Emergency Service) provided a grant to CALM which was used to purchase medicine and food for these missions. We will continue to provide these missions as long as funding is available. They meet a real need in these communities and are a great way to introduce the residents to the church and to share the gospel. (You can give to support the medical missions on the “Donate” page.)

A medical mission was held at the Aglalana Church of Christ on January 13. Eighteen volunteers, doctors, and nurses provided medical care to 99 residents and provided a nutritious meal to 20 children.  Two weeks later, two people who attended the mission, committed their lives to Christ and were baptized in the nearby river.

A medical mission was held at the Banate Church of Christ on February 23,. Twenty volunteers and medical professionals served 128 residents. Meals and a Bible story were provided to approximately 40 children. 

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Ministry Need Thu, 25 Jan 2024 22:40:06 +0000 Ministry Need Read More »


Juanito Magbanua’s ministry with CALM involves a lot of travel! Most Sundays he rises early to be able to preach at one church, then travels some distance to another church for an afternoon or evening service, and then returns home late Sunday night. During the week, he’s busy visiting other churches to mentor leaders, help with maintenance and construction, or conduct Bible studies and seminars. He spends Mondays teaching at Iloilo Bible Seminary. Occasionally, he participates in area-wide conferences and events, plus the monthly medical/feeding missions held at one of the churches.

Since he has no vehicle, he must rely on public transportation or rent a car. If possible, he travels by bus. But often he must hire motorbikes or even water buffalo-drawn carts to reach remote areas. Sometimes he must walk several kilometers to his destination.  Relying on others for transportation adds greatly to his travel time and often limits his ministry opportunities. Juanito has long prayed for a vehicle of his own to use for his work with CALM.  As Juanito says,  
“That is why I have been praying God will provide me a car or pickup truck so that anytime I can travel anywhere to preach, whether it is uphill or downhill with muddy or dusty roads.”

In order to buy a car less than a decade old, $16,000 to $18,000 will be required. It is a very large amount, but we pray that with God’s help and your gifts, the money can be raised to help in sharing the Gospel with the Filipino people.  Please prayerfully consider contributing to this need. You can give online to the Vehicle Fund at  or mail a check with “Vehicle” in the memo line to: 

CALM Philippines USA
115 Bashforth Drive
Jeannette, PA 15644

CALM Philippines USA, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) organization recognized by the United States Internal Revenue Service. Gifts are tax-deductible as a charitable contribution to the full extent allowed by federal and state tax laws.

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A New Place to Worship Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:39:02 +0000

The Tangalan Church of Christ, in the Aklan Province, began a few years ago when Robert invited Juanito to preach and lead home Bible studies. Many accepted Christ and the new church was born. Their numbers increased, and the group soon became too large to meet comfortably in the small house where they gathered.

As they had no other place to meet, they began to worship in a nearby lot. This was fine in fair weather, but they were forced to crowd into a small house when it rained, and the accommodation was not adequate. They looked for a place to rent for their meetings, but no affordable place could be found. The congregation is small, poor, and unable to afford to build a place for worship, so they continued to make the best of their situation and prayed for a more permanent solution.

Their prayers and patience were rewarded in late November 2023, when some generous donors gave gifts through CALM Philippines USA to make building a new meeting place possible. The new chapel, made with bamboo and botong poles, a tin roof, and wall panels was quickly constructed at a cost of (so far) a little over 57,000 pesos ($1,000). The building is 18 feet by 28 feet, which will accommodate approximately 50 to 70 people. The congregation met for worship for the first time on December 17.

The members and guests gathered for a Thanksgiving service the next Sunday and celebrated the blessing of the new chapel. At Pastor Robert’s invitation, three officers from the Tangalan Municipal Police joined in the service and presented gifts to the children. 

More work needs to be done. The walls are not complete, the floor needs to be installed, and furnishings are needed, but the Tangalan church now has a place to worship and to carry out their mission:  “Loving God and Loving People.”

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New Church Launched at Cabatuan Fri, 01 Dec 2023 19:07:21 +0000 New Church Launched at Cabatuan Read More »


A new congregation has been established at Cabatuan in Iloilo Province. A ribbon cutting and worship service was held at the Cabatuan Church of Christ on November 26. The event was attended by the two founding families for the congregation and supporters from other churches. This work is an extension ministry of the Dawis Church of Christ. The pastor at Dawis will preach at Dawis in the morning and at Cabatuan in the afternoon every Sunday.


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Iloilo Bible Seminary Launched Mon, 23 Oct 2023 15:31:38 +0000 Iloilo Bible Seminary Launched Read More »


Iloilo Bible Seminary was launched on October 21, 2023, at a dedication ceremony held at the Taft North Church of Christ. Iloilo Bible Seminary was born out of the vision and work of Juanito Magbanua and the desire to train leaders for the Panay Island Churches of Christ. Developing capable leaders is essential to ensuring the continued work of the churches for years to come.

Studies for the first class began with orientation on October 23, 2023, with nine students, eight men and one woman. Others have been invited to enroll.  Juanito – along with Dandy Garino, Joey Pareja, and two others – will provide the instruction. Dandy and Joey are members of the CALM Philippines board of directors. The classes will be held at the Taft North Church of Christ in Iloilo City. A four-year program is planned with the goal of adding ten students each year. In addition to bible classes, training will be provided in Restoration Movement history, math, English, Filipino, philosophy, psychology, counseling, and other topics. Graduates will have a Bachelor of Theology and a Bachelor of Christian Education degree and will be fully equipped to provide leadership to the churches as ministers of the gospel.

Having a seminary on the Island will allow them to get an education without having to travel a great distance to the Manila or Cebu Seminaries. 

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Medical Mission at Dala Church of Christ Tue, 29 Aug 2023 23:38:21 +0000

CALM Philippines and CALM Philippines USA sponsored a medical mission at the Dala Church of Christ on August 26, 2023. It was a great success and all involved were blessed.

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Youth Camp – July 2023 Fri, 04 Aug 2023 13:43:27 +0000


                              Youth Camp July 27-29

   To all the Panay Churches and Church Leaders:
   Please encourage your youth to be a part of our Youth Camp and be
   blessed by the Word of God. We assure you will enjoy and have lots of fun.
        • Youth Fellowship and revival
        • Sports and games
        • Lectures
        • Praise and worship with live band
        • Fun Run and many more….
   Venue: Bay-ang Church of Christ
   Registration: 200 pesos 

After months of planning and preparation by CALM and the sponsoring churches, the call went out and over 230 youths gathered at the Bay-Ang Church of Christ. Heavy rains and flooding during the week leading up to the camp caused some concern but the weather cleared, and the camp was a success.
Eight young people responded to the message on the first night and committed their life to Jesus and were baptized at lunchtime the next day. Surely many lives were changed and, as advertised, they were blessed by God and had lots of fun.
One young lady who attended posted the following on Facebook:

Leadership Seminar Mon, 12 Jun 2023 20:25:44 +0000
The Panay Island Churches of Christ Evangelizing Association (PICCEA) sponsored a church leadership seminar on church growth on June 9 and 10. CALM Philippines works closely with PICCEA. The seminar was held at the Taft North Church of Christ in Iloilo City and Juanito Magbanua served as host and facilitator. Three speakers from Manila Bible Seminary led the seminar. The seminar was fruitful and successful with seventy-six individuals in attendance, who left better equipped for ministry. The group is already planning to meet again next year.
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